EDA Careers has worked with 100s of EDA/SEMI companies, from major public industry leaders to Start-ups, large and small. We know and understand the intricate world of EDA/SEMI design.
We have our own CUSTOMIZED database filled with tens of thousands of resumes from all over the world, allowing us to do the most intricate of searches.
At EDA-Careers, we find and place R&D SW, Application, Design and DV Engineers, Marketing and Sales and more. We know how to talk the talk and find the right candidates with the right experience and skills.
Most importantly, we do not waste anyone’s time sending frivolous resumes.
Further, we continually monitor the progress all the way through, scheduling meetings, understanding compensation expectations (on both sides), clarifying both the wanted and desired positions, and so much more. In effect, we are the interface that helps make the career transition process smooth and easy, for both sides.
The interviewing process can be tenuous and arduous. We help get the answers so that the process never stops. We say and hear the things that sometimes, are best heard by an intermediary, making sure everyone’s objectives and concerns are handled delicately and proficiently, all the way through, hopefully to signing.
Let us help you find your next candidate or next career!